At St. John Chrysostom, we measure progress in faith formation through observing students at weekly masses, Friday assembly prayers, monthly school liturgies, prayers said over the school-wide intercom, testing, religious projects and songs.
Fifth and eighth graders take the ACRE test yearly to evaluate general knowledge of the Catholic faith. Test results are analyzed to identify strengths and weaknesses, and teachers use these to direct their teaching objectives.
Since St. John’s is a Catholic school, religion instruction takes place daily. Prayers are said daily as well. All parents who choose to send their children to this school are expected to allow them to participate in most spiritual activities.
Catholic students are generally prepared for the reception of the Sacraments of Reconciliation and the Eucharist in the second grade. Older students who have not received the sacraments, may do so as well. Confirmation takes place in high school.
Because of the basic philosophy underlying the existence of Catholic schools, which includes the recognition of the parents as the primary religious educators of their children, parents whose children are being prepared for the reception of sacraments during the school year will be required to attend four special meetings to help them prepare their children for the sacraments. If parents do not attend all four meetings, or complete the required make up program, their child will be considered unprepared to receive the sacraments. The dates of these meetings are below as well as on the school calendar. Keep these dates free NOW so that you will able to attend. Additional information regarding these meetings will be published in the weekly parent bulletins.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be in April and First Communion will be in May.