I, the parent/guardian of the above-named child, hereby request that my child participate in the athletic activity listed above. I agree to direct my child to cooperate and conform with directions and instructions of the supervisory archdiocesan personnel responsible for the athletic activity.
I agree that in the event my child is injured as a result of his/her participation in the listed athletic activity, including transportation to and from the activity, whether or not caused by the negligence (active or passive) of the school or archdiocesan athletic activity program or any of its agents or employees, recourse for the payment of any resulting hospital medical or related costs and expenses will first be made against any accident: hospital or medical insurance or any available benefit plan of mine or my spouse.
I hereby permit the physician selected by the athletic activity supervisory personnel then present to render medical treatment deemed necessary and appropriate by the physician.
I am not aware of any medical condition of my child which would render it inappropriate for him/her to participate in such activity. I will provide the school with the most recent physical exam clearing my child to participate in sports.
I consent to the payment for the above sports registration will be added to my Smart Tuition account.
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